
How Am I Doing?

Through the wonders of technology, I'm able to see what search terms bring people to this blog, and here's a pattern I've noticed lately. People seem to be coming here for assistance in writing end-of-semester essays. What other explanation could there be for search terms like "essay on existentialism is a humanism" and "never let me go essay"?

I can only say that I think there's a special place in hell for people who take credit for other people's writing. I can only say it, because unfortunately I don't believe it. The most I can really hope is that plagiarists will find their guilt gnawing away at them for years, and at the most inopportune moments.

Hey, you would-be copyists, stop now, before it's too late! You know it's wrong. Just don't do it. But if you do, despite my admonitions and the academic honesty policies at your academic institutions, do let me know how I'm doing when you get back "your" papers. Am I getting As, Bs, Cs....? My pride and ego notwithstanding, I have to say: I hope not well.

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